Texas Rangers Complete Investigation Into Marlin, Texas Animal Shelter

MARLIN, TEXAS. In January of 2024, a person walked into the Marlin, Texas animal shelter and found a house of horrors. At least one dog over the Rainbow Bridge. Other dogs just skin and bones. The animal control officer, Nicole Grams, the Police Chief James Hommell, Mayor Susam Byrd, the now-former Sheriff Joe Lopez, and Falls County District Attorney Jody Lopez… the main characters. Did the D.A. call for an investigation? She could have but didn’t.

Animal advocates managed to get their information into the hands of Gov. Abbott and the office believed there was enough to have the Texas Rangers investigate.

Their investigation is now over. THE SAME DISTRICT ATTORNEY – Jody Gilliam – is supposed to release the results.

#dog #dogs #animalcruelty #animalcrueltyawareness #marlin #texasrangers #fyp

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