A sentence like this is not long enough but we have to remember… it is a start.
Earlier this week, then 18-year-old Carl Travis, Jr. was sentenced to 20 years – 6 years to serve in state prison and 14 years on probation.
Travis’ behavior was sadistic. He methodically killed four kittens in an apparent attempt to entertain himself. Three other kittens survived and are now safe.
And, of course, he posted it on social media.
Thank you to the Good Samaritan who got the video to police.
Thank you to Doll Stanley of In Defense of Animals who got the video to authorities.
Thanks to everyone who signed the Animal Victory petition demanding justice.
Thank you to the Grenada, Mississippi police and the Oxford MS Police Department for making the arrest happen.
Thank you to the Lafayette, Mississippi District Attorney’s Office for not turning a blind eye.
REMEMBER – this case could have been swept right under the rug despite the video evidence. This is a victory… but as we continue to fight for the voiceless, we demand more victories just like this one… and a hell of a lot more.
#kittens #cats #animalcrueltyawareness