Texas Rangers Complete Investigation Into Marlin, Texas Animal Shelter

MARLIN, TEXAS. In January of 2024, a person walked into the Marlin, Texas animal shelter and found a house of horrors. At least one dog over the Rainbow Bridge. Other dogs just skin and bones. The animal control officer, Nicole Grams, the Police Chief James Hommell, Mayor Susam Byrd, the now-former Sheriff Joe Lopez, and Falls County District Attorney Jody Lopez… the main characters. Did the D.A. call for an investigation? She could have but didn’t.

Animal advocates managed to get their information into the hands of Gov. Abbott and the office believed there was enough to have the Texas Rangers investigate.

Their investigation is now over. THE SAME DISTRICT ATTORNEY – Jody Gilliam – is supposed to release the results.

#dog #dogs #animalcruelty #animalcrueltyawareness #marlin #texasrangers #fyp

Viral Video: How “running over plants” Led To A Fiery Confrontation That Nearly Killed a 3 Pound Dog

PITTSBURG, CA Dog Punting Case Update.

Grandmother Susie Ashley spoke out to the local news and just wait until you hear what she had to say.


We’ve done some more digging and LATER TODAY, FEB 25, wait until you see what we’ve uncovered about the “so-called family.” IN COURT? WHAT?
#dog #dogs #doglover #pittsburg #animalcrueltyawareness
@followers Grizzy’s Hood News Citizens Against Animal Abuse and Neglect John Urbancik Animal Advocate of North Texas

New Video of Pittsburg, California Incident of Woman Kicking Dog And The Argument That Led Up To It


This is the entire video recorded of a mother approaching the dog dad’s property asking why he allegedly yelled at **her mother. That’s when everything hit the fan. This woman was not having anything of what dog dad had to say. So **her daughter decides to kick Gigi, the 2.8 pound dog. Grandmother comes around later on.

Pittsburg Police Department, Pittsburg, CA
TIP LINE: 925.252.4040

Citizens Against Animal Abuse and Neglect Grizzy’s Hood News Animal Advocate of North Texas

California Police Search For 2 Women Seen On Video Kicking Dog On Owner’s Property


These two women apparently think it’s OK to kick a small dog on their owner’s property and get away with it.

No, ma’am.

Pittsburg Police Department, Pittsburg, CA want them to turn themselves in – but WAIT – WE need to turn them in.

TIP LINE: 925.252.4040

#dog #dogs #animalcrueltyawareness #Abuse

@followers John Urbancik Todd Stephen Smith Citizens Against Animal Abuse and Neglect The Kris Kelly Foundation

Woman Who Recorded Texas Employee Dragging Dog Speaks Out

SPEAKING OUT: volunteer at City of San Antonio Animal Care Services who took video of Hilo the Husky being dragged down the hall by the now-fired employee – tells us WHY she took the video and din’t spring into action.

DELAYED: As for Hilo, she’s still waiting to be spayed. Apparently, there’s a backlog.

At the same time, her rescue, Bee Pawsitive Husky Rescue went to visit yet again today. Take a look at Hilo’s picture. She does not “appear to be amused.”

#dogs #animals #hilothehusky #sanantonio #sanantoniotx #AI

California Pollice Investigating Case of Extreme Animal Abuse


A few days ago, I shared a video with what was called in to Huron PD as an injured animal. They have determined it is an extreme case of animal abuse.

At this point, I’m working on getting more information as the Police Chief and I are playing phone tag but from his message, the case is open and he also wanted to know if I had any information.

So if YOU have any information, please get in touch with Huron, California police – 559.945.2046

Meantime, will have another update – as soon as I connect with the Chief.

@followers Animal Advocate of North Texas John Urbancik Todd Stephen Smith Citizens Against Animal Abuse and Neglect Huron PD

#dog #dogs #doglover #animalcruelty #animalcrueltyawareness #animaladvocate #animallover #fyp

Texas Dog Dragged Down Hallway Will Soon Be At Her Rescue

HILO remains at Animal Care Services and after being spayed, she will ve with Bee Pawsitive Husky Rescue. They had already tagged Hilo before the videos went viral and the shelter already made arrangements to have two new dogs put in Hilo’s place.
They also went on to say that they realize that other huskies need help but they can’t be the only rescue in South Texas taking in every Husky in need.
But for now, we thank them on behalf of Hilo who has no doubt giving them so much love and affection on day one now that she is out of ACS. Go get ‘em Hilo!
Animal Advocate of North Texas San Antonio Urgents & Adoptables John Urbancik Todd Stephen Smith Citizens Against Animal Abuse and Neglect
#dogs #sanantonio #fyp